Saturday, August 7, 2010

I hate loose skin after weightlost!!!

Loose or saggy skin can be a common problem after losing a large amount of weight (more than about 50-100 lbs) in a short period of time. In time, you may see improvements in your skin's elasticity, but some people may require surgery to remove excess skin.
According to Plastic Surgery Guide Natalie Kita, the main factors involved in your skin's elasticity include:

•Age: As you get older, your skin becomes less elastic.
•Genetics: Genes influence how much firmness your skin retains as you get older.
•How much weight you lose: When you lose a large of amount of weight in a short time, such as with weight loss surgery, your skin doesn't have time to shrink along with your body and may be permanently stretched if you're overweight for a long period of time.
•Sun exposure: Your past, present and future exposure to the sun can damage your skin.
•Nutrition and water intake: Your skin may not be as healthy or firm if you aren't getting balanced nutrition, vitamins and minerals (especially Vitamins C & E) and staying hydrated.
•Smoking: Smoking can speed up the normal aging process of your skin.
What You Can Do About It

Because we're all different, each person will have a different response after losing weight. Some people may bounce back quickly while others may need to consider body contouring surgery to get rid of extra skin. Natalie recommends waiting at least a year after weight loss before considering plastic surgery to allow your weight to stabilize.

Remember that body contouring surgery is an expensive and serious surgery requiring a long recovery time. You may be able to make a difference with other options, such as exercise and a healthy diet. A basic cardio and strength training program can help you reduce body fat while building muscle. When you add muscle, you can improve how the skin looks and may be able to reduce some sagging.

Avoiding Loose Skin

The best way to avoid loose skin is to lose weight slowly, about 1-2 pounds per week. Slow weight loss allows you to maintain muscle mass while losing fat and it also allows your skin to adjust as you lose weight.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

What does stretching do? pt 1

Stretching exercises have many benefits for your body. They should be performed before and after exercising, and can be done on a daily basis to keep your body limber. Stretching exercises are simple to do, and are not meant to strain your muscles. After stretching, you should feel invigorated and relaxed.

Before exercising, it's important to stretch. Stretching prevents injury and gives you a more comfortable work out. Stretching after exercise is a good part of a any cool down routine. Stretching feels good, don't forget about it.

Stretching can improve your range of motion in your joints, which puts you at less risk for injuries and also improves the circulation of blood in your body, which can help repair muscles faster. In addition, stretching can help you maintain proper posture, because it releases the tension in your muscles and enables you to stand up straighter and hold yourself in a more balanced way. Because stretching exercises relieve tension in your muscles, they can allow you to relax, too.

Hey, what's your weight loss plan?

The MOST important thing is to eat naturally..without medicines, chemicals, "starving" your self etc.

first, it would be best for you to eat as healthy as possible..this will also help you considerably to lose weight gradually and naturally..

eat fresh fruits, vegetables, drink plenty of WATER..avoid all cokes, caffeines, smoking, alchohol etc. as these also add weight as well as they contain chemicals which disturb your natural bio rythmns as well as brain chemistry. try not to eat too much meat, and the meat you should eat should be "lean meat" such as steamed chicken and rice, or steamed fish with rice..and vegetables,, this should be your staple diet rice and vegetables with fruits..AVOID "JUNK FOOD" and "Fast Food" as this type of food is very unhealthy, lacking in vitamins really and has plenty of fattening molecules which make one gain weight and is not good .

if you snack,, try fruits with yogurt or fruit yogurt and nuts.. nuts are very healthy for your body .and contain proteins.

go for walks every evening or morning or whenever you get time each day for 1 hour or 2 hours..make this somewhere you enjoy walking even if you have to drive a bit to there..and make this a daily will enjoy it once you get into it ..and it makes you feel great after..just walking for 1 hour or 2 hours.

if you do this..every day for one month should lose around 10 pounds (.714 stone) per month until you get to your natural healthy weight.. look up on the internet for an idea of what your weight for your height should be ..and when you get to this weight,,your body will look very nice and you will feel very good.

10 pounds (.714 stone ) each month in 3 months you should lose 30 pounds (2 stones, 2 pounds)..for sure...but no junk food and dont drink alcohol or smoke, dont eat junk..just healthy food with vitamins and walking 1 hour or 2 hours every day..and drink plenty of water..this is guaranteed way to lose weight naturally and for good, if you stick to this, which you should,,as it makes you feel so much more positive due to the vitamins and lack of chemicals making you feel depressed...

btw, forgot to mention,,just in case you dont know how to really make healthy a "food steamer" at your local deparment store..they are very cheap and work very well as buy a "rice cooker" which is also very cheap..eating rice is a great way to get your necessary carbs "healthy carbs" to lose weight and has lots of natural energy inside. you can buy asian rice at most large supermarkets or if you have a local oriental market..they sale quality asian rice.. thai or indian rice is good "jasmine rice".. buy corn or canola oil to sprinkle on vegetables or rice before steaming to add to taste as well as you can buy several nice spices like "cumin" or "Curry powders", etc.just sprinkle on the vegetables before steaming to give nice taste.

drink "Green Tea" as this is very healthy and helps burn extra fat can buy quality green tea at most oriental shops or large supermarkets as well

-US, Fitness Magazine
Gerald Tum

Gain muscle, burn fat, and stay HEALTHY!

1. Don't let over 4 hours go by without eating. Your body needs a continuous supply of energy since it's always on (your heart is always beating, blood is circulating, your bones and muscles are moving). When you skip meals, you deprive your body of the fuel it needs to keep going.

2. Eat several foods at once. For snacks, aim for at least three food groups like a whole grain, fruit and nut combo versus fruit alone. This provides your body with a broader spectrum of nutrients to work with throughout the day.

3. Boost your calorie intake healthfully. The best way to increase your caloric intake without having to eat large quantities of food and having to eat junk food is to choose nutrient rich foods that pack a big calorie punch for a small amount. The best options are nuts, seeds and natural nut butters, unsweetened dried fruit, whole grains and lean proteins.

4. Drink your calories. Liquid calories tend to not be filling, so when you're trying to gain weight, they can add needed calories without making you feel stuffed or bloated. Good choices include 100% fruit juice, low fat milk or milk alternatives (like soy milk) and smoothies.

5. Eat right before going to bed. Sleep time is when a lot of bodily healing, repair and regeneration work takes place. It's prime time for building muscle and lean tissue, so eating a healthy snack right before bed ensures a fresh supply of nutrients available to go to work inside the body.

Work the core, NOT THE ABS!

10 sit ups
10 V-ups (Touch your hands to your toes, but crunch your body so that they meet midway in the air)
10 lemon squeezers (Position yourself sitting up, put hands at side, and move your torso back into a laying position while extending your legs straight ahead. Now just row your legs to a bend while crunching toward them w/ your torso, then go back to laying position. repeat process)
10 back hypers (lay on stomach, basically a reverse cruncher)
10 Leg lifts (Lay on back, lift straight legs to 45 degree angle, then bring back to ground)
30 seconds of bicycles (Lay on ground, and mimic a bicycle pedal motion w/ your legs)
10 side crunchers each side
10 regular crunchers
30 seconds of flutter kicks (Lay on back, keep both legs straight. Lift them up barley, now alternate between raising each leg a little bit and brining it back down. This one is tough at first, but after a week it will be easy. Try to think of being a swimmer while doing this one)
10 kick ups (Lay down, bring knees up toward chest, then kick legs upward to become straight in the air.)
10 side double leg lifts (Hard to explain, basically lay on side, and lift both legs simultaneously as high as you can. Will feel weird at first)
10 Forward Rows (Way too hard to explain, google it)
10 Russian Twists (Google it)
10 Scissor Kicks (Lay on back, spread legs apart in air, bring them back to center with one leg above the other, then alternate to mimimic scissor kicking action)
Finish with a bridge for however long you think you can do it.
